Thursday, April 14, 2011

Emma Woodhouse in Film

Doran Godwin (1972): Godwin's performance displays a "snobbishness" beyond all the other Emma Woodhouses.  Her performance delves deep in the personality of the often "hated" Jane Austen character.

Alicia Silverstone (1995): Silverstone starred in "Clueless," a contemporary version of Jane Austens, Emma. She reigns queen as the "dumb blond" version of Emma Woodhouse.

Gwyneth Paltrow (1996): In the year of the "Emma" adaptations, Paltrow stars as the blond version. This edition is often hailed as the most accurate in terms of props and costumes. This version of "Emma" follows the script closely.

Kate Beckinsale (1996): The very young Kate Beckinsale takes on the brunette version of Emma Woodhouse. She is brutally honest and prideful, similar to Pride and Prejudice's, Elizabeth Bennett.  However, this Emma promotes rigid class structure.

Romola Garai (2009): The BBC finally attempted a mini-series of Jane Austen's Emma in 2009. The Pride and Prejudice mini-series was widely popular and followed the novel closely; however, this one was a slightly loose interpretation. The characters were cast perfectly, though.


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